Stogursey News, May 2024

With the Stogursey Arts Photographic Society (SAPS), we have an ambition to build an archive of village life, past and present.

As part of that project, we have started reaching out to local groups and individuals to see if we can capture some images as they go about their activities.

The first to agree to take part was the group of bell ringers who meet regularly at Stogursey Church and I was the one to go along to meet them at their practice session. I know nothing about bell ringing and my photography does not normally include people so this was taking me well outside of my comfort zone.

For me, this was one of the reasons for joining SAPS - to broaden my horizons and do something different to what I normally do - taking yet more photographs of herons at Steart! It did mean that I felt a little apprehensive but I shouldn’t have worried because they are an incredibly friendly group of people. I let them carry on with their bell ringing, trying to be the inconspicuous observer but I did gather everyone together for a group shot during the tea break. I have also been back since to get their approval of the final shots; I wouldn’t use the images if they weren’t happy with them.


We are currently working on a new website to feature both an archive of old photographs and these new images of village life today; that will definitely now include bell ringing.

So, firstly, I would like to say a big “thank you” to the bell ringers for being the first to volunteer to be subjects for our project and for making me welcome.

Secondly, please contact us at if you are involved in a local group that would be happy to be photographed. We would also love to hear from you if you are involved in traditional crafts or trades, whether as a hobby or a profession.

Finally, if you have ever thought about giving bell ringing a go, contact Kay Smith on 01278 733577. They’re a friendly group and it looks like fun!


Stogursey News, June 2024


Stogursey News, April 2024